
Uniting Arts through Hearts

Kousic Sen


What does a typical day at Milap look like for you?

On a non-performance day, I focus on my tabla teaching, my own practice, listening to music and research. On performance days I rest up in the morning, check and tune my tabla if needed, and get my outfit ironed and ready. In the afternoon I make my way to the performance venue and normally go straight into a sound check. After the sound check I have some down time to rest, have a cup of tea and get ready for the concert.

What is the best thing about working with Milap?

Collaboration with international musicians and dancers – and any kind of performance day!

What are your favourite Milap memories?

My favourite Milap memory would have to be my first performance at Manchester Lowry in 1990 – and then many more very special memories.

Milap > About > Our Team > Kousic Sen

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